We're back, safe and sound. Well, safe anyway.
What a week. Last year was a great time at PASSways so we decided to go again. We were a little critical about the happenings this year because we had something to compare it to, but all in all, it was a great week. The young people and us adults were made aware of the millions of people in the world that are hungry, deprived of health care and education, and are shut out because of their gender.
I am thankful that the young people we took to camp have been in church since the day they were born, just about, and they knew all the biblical references for the daily thought, but the statistics were a little overwhelming for them. We viewed 5 of the 8 Millennium Development Goals better known as MDGs for the week.
Each night after the day's events, we would meet in our room for devotions. These young people had some great ideas as to how to help eliminate hunger and how to improve health care and educate those in need.
God has done a great work in these young people and I am proud to be their youth minister.