Thursday, September 27, 2007

Studying with Notecards

Did you know that 4x5 index cards will fit perfectly in the top opening of your steering wheel? I found that out today when I was on my way to Campbell. I had my first exam in Church History at 2:30 and I was still studying on the way to school. It's a 2 and a half hour drive if you make a stop through a drive-thru for breakfast or lunch, whatever the case may be.

Anyway, I leave on Thursdays at 9:45 in order to make a 12:30 class. I waited until I got on Hwy. 17 before I brought out the cards. I was trying to figure out how this was going to work so you can imagine my joy when I found out the card would sit right on top of the center section of my steering wheel. If I folded the card on the bottom two corners, it would fit on the bottom section while resting on the rim.

Usually during my trip my husband and I are on the phone talking about various and sundry things but today was different. No time for chatting. I have had my nose stuck in my notes or making note cards since Sunday afternoon. Wednesday night I was lying in bed with my arms wrapped around my pillow, my eyes closed and listing 4-liners that MIGHT be on the test. David thought I had lost my mind, but he recognized the terms coming out of my mouth, so he understood.

I don't test well. I never have. In fact, I've never learned how to study. I breezed through elementary and high school and graduated with a Beta Club stole around my neck, but not because I knew how to study.

My friend, Rita (see previous post) showed me how she studies for a test and I tried her method on a Harmon exam last semester with pretty good results. NOTECARDS. So, I resurrected the idea for today's exam. I felt pretty good when I came out of the exam an hour later.

Maybe even at my age, I can learn how to study!!! (sorry Dr. Cartledge, but the exclamation marks are very necessary here.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thank you, Rita

This past weekend my husband and I were invited to lead a worship service in Wilson. The church was celebrating Homecoming and their 15th anniversary. We had a terrific time. We drove up to Wilson on Saturday afternoon and enjoyed the rest of the day with our hosts, one of those being a great friend I met in Divinity School.

Rita and I met in Dr. Hatcher's class my first year at Campbell Divinity School. We had to participate in a "get-to-know-you" exercise at the beginning of class. The class was at 5:30 pm and I had been at Campbell since 8 a.m. which means I left home at 5 a.m. I knew I had 2 more hours to go before I left for home and I was so tired.

Rita had been there most of the day, too, and she was as tired as me. Since we were both sitting on the front row, we looked over at each other and decided to do our ice-breaker with each other so we wouldn't have to get up. Well, the rest is history. We shared several classes during the next 2 years and became very good friends. Rita graduated with her MDiv in May of '06.

I sang 2 songs for the Homecoming service on Sunday and while the sound guy was getting my second tape ready, I felt the urge to say something. I wasn't sure what, but something was begging to come out of my mouth. (If you know me, this is not an unusual happening). I acknowledged Rita as a good friend and thanked she and her husband for inviting us and then acknowledge how much she had meant to me since our first meeting.

One of the most memorable times was on a Tuesday morning in chapel when I questioned what I was doing with my life. I didn't go back to college to finish my undergraduate work until I was 32. Ten years later, God decided I still had not fulfilled my task and called me to graduate school at 42. Now, if God calls me back to do more schooling at 52 we're going to have to have a serious chat. Anyway, I was having a difficult time with where my life was heading. I was a single mother of 2 boys with divorce as part of my history and here I was looking to go into full-time ministry. A divorced woman. What was I thinking?

Enter Rita. She and I sat beside each other in the Ensemble group. In this particular service touched me in a special way. The message was on our calling and listening to God for our instructions. At the end of the service she wrapped her arms around me and prayed with me. She didn't ask what was wrong, or why I was crying, she just prayed that God would intervene and give me a peace about whatever was bothering me. From that time forward I never questioned my call to ministry. At one service we even washed each other's feet. Now that's love.

Over the years there have been many people that have influenced my life and many that have prayed with me and for me. As I was struggling with the decision I had made to follow Christ's call God knew just what to do. He sent Rita into my life.

Thank you, Rita.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I was sitting on the couch this afternoon around 2:00 and I heard this strange noise. David had gone to make a hospital visit so it was very quiet. (If he's home, MSNBC is on TV) I thought the noise was the ceiling fan but it was coming from the bathroom in the hall. I really didn't want to get up since I had my laptop in my lap (of all places) and I had books and my notebook spread out around me.

The noise had seemingly stopped so I went back to reading. After just a few moments, there it was again. Just a bit disgusted, I moved my laptop off my lap, set my book off to the side, set my notebook on the floor and put the reclining loveseat back in its original position. I got up and walked toward the bathroom where the noise was a little more prominent. I checked the sink to see if there was a drip. No drip. I checked the bathtub to see if a pipe was dripping, but no drip. I thought...oh no...don't let there be a leak in the pipes under the sink. I simply didn't have time to tackle a project like that today. But the noise was coming from the vent overhead. Since we live in a one story home, it wasn't likely that we had pipes above our heads to burst or leak.

All of a sudden it dawned on me. IT WAS RAINING. It had been so long since I had heard that particular sound. I ran through the house to the living room window, then to the back door. It truly was raining. I even stuck my arm out the door to make sure it was water I was seeing dripping off the house. Don't ask me what else I thought it might have been if it wasn't water. I was so amazed. Even our three dogs were standing in the yard with this strange look on their faces. They, too, were shocked.

The rain had stopped for a little while when we were at church but when I took a choir member home after rehearsal, I actually ran my car through puddles on purpose. Ain't God good? (Now you see the true country girl emerge.)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Campbell Chapel

I love Tuesdays. If you knew how early I had to get up to get to an 8:00 class at Campbell you would wonder if I needed my head examined. But all that aside, Tuesdays are the days we gather as a Campbell Divinity School family to enjoy a creative worship experience. Every service is different and every service touches me in a special way.

Today Rev. David Crabtree from WRAL-TV brought the morning message. Again, it touched my heart. In a different style as I have become accustomed, he reminded us that we are called individually to follow Christ. Not because our mamas told us to, or because this is what Daddy thinks is best for us but because we have had a personal experience with Christ and heard his voice in our own lives.

He used his trip to Normandy to bring forward a point of individuals who gave their lives for our freedom. At that point my thoughts were of six years ago and the thousands of people that lost their lives in the 9/11 tragedy. They had no idea what the day would bring when they got up from their beds earlier that morning. Because of this terrible event, many have joined forces to fight the war on terrorism, my youngest son included.

Campbell Chapel is a wonderful place to be at 10:35 on Tuesday mornings. Not one chapel service goes by that I don't bring a message home with me. Today it will be two-fold. I have heard his voice calling me to service as I count myself blessed because I serve a God that sent his son to die for me and I am honored that my son has chosen to die, if necessary, for you.

May God Bless You and May God Bless America

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday Afternoons

Don't you just love Sunday afternoons? I used to. I would come home from church, fix lunch and put away the dishes. Next on the agenda was nap time. I knew I had to be back at church at 6 pm for the youth meeting but for 3-4 hours I could nap at my leisure. My husband is a pastor and he gets up very early on Sunday mornings to help himself prepare for the three sermons he will deliver that day so by the time lunch time rolls around, he's give out. So we usually enjoy an hour nap in the afternoon to refresh ourselves for a Sunday night football game or some other sporting even that might happen to be on the television that night.

Well, those days are over. I am only allowed to enjoy that schedule during the summer break from Divinity School and the summer break is over. I have been a student at Campbell Divinity School since January 2004. Each semester is a little more challenging than the one before and this semester is no exception. I have 3 classes that require extensive reading and one other with minimal reading. Needless to say, my weekends are (or should be) spent reading.

This weekend proved to be less productive than others. We celebrated Homecoming at our church today and had a terrific time. In order to prepare for this special day, we held a "Clean-Up Day" on Saturday which took up a major portion of the day. Then the preparations began for what to take for the Homecoming feast that followed today's services. Reading? Well, let's just say it hasn't happened as planned. So, what am I doing right now? I'm posting my excuses on this blog instead of picking up my Justo Gonzalez book on The Story of Christianity.

I guess I better get to it. Do have a great day and enjoy some free time for me.