Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Year's Resolution - Lose Weight

I can't believe it's been 3 months since I last blogged.  I guess I didn't realize just how time consuming this residency was going to be.

It's been a very interesting journey and I have learned so much about myself.  But one thing I learned about myself was that I wasn't happy with me, physically.  So, I decided to do something about it.

I have dieted ALL my adult life.  You name it, and I've tried it.  Fastin, Meridia, Xenecal, Phen-Phen, etc.  A few years ago I ventured in to a Diet Clinic in Myrtle Beach and was successful with the weight loss for as long as I took a handful of pills everyday.  Besides the fact that it was expensive, I just didn't like putting all those pills inside me everyday and I wasn't learning anything about how to eat.

As you know, I have two adult sons and one is in the Marines.  When he was overseas, I was reminded that life was short enough without having a death sentence.  Being overweight is a death sentence.  I had high blood pressure, my cholesterol was creeping up every time I went to the doctor for blood work and it was becoming harder and harder to walk without being out of breath.  

I had given thought to surgery but wasn't completely sold on it until a friend of mine from church did it and was quite successful.  I began to do massive research on Gastric By-pass and found it was the safest surgery in the country as far as death but also one of the most effective as far as permanent weight loss.

The only way I was going to lose weight and keep it off was to change my lifestyle and my eating habits.  But because my will power is pitiful at this stage in my life, I knew the surgery would force me to "follow the rules".  

After a short battle with my husband, my first appointment was scheduled for October of 2008.  There were some tests and requirements that had to be met before I could continue through the process.  I didn't have sleep apnea, so that test was not required for me but for some, it is a necessary step.  I was required, however, to go through a psychiatric evaluation and attend 2 nutritional classes.  (For those of you who are wondering, yes, I passed the psyche exam)

The nutrition classes told us what to expect during the coming weeks of pre-surgery and helped us to begin thinking what we would have to do to prepare our bodies for this surgery.  The 2nd class prepared us for the days, weeks, and months ahead AFTER surgery.

December 22nd, 2008 I underwent Gastric By-Pass.  I came home on the 23rd and led the Christmas Eve service on the 24th.  Now, it hasn't been an easy road because I am still having to teach myself to chew slowly, eat small bites and watch fat grams and sugar intake, but so far, so good.

It's been a month and I've lost 29 lbs.

I have to take in 50 grams of protein in liquid form, take 2 children's vitamins and 1500 mg of Calcium Citrate everyday and this will be for the rest of my life.  I can't eat more than 1/4 to 1/2 cup at each meal and I will forever have to watch what I eat, but to add 12 years to my life and be able to live to see my grandchildren, it will all be worth it.

This is one New Year's Resolution I will keep.