After I graduated from the Clinical Pastoral Education program at New Hanover Regional, I was able to continue my service there as a Unit Clerk in the NICU. It was a good job and I loved the people I was able to work with but not being in hospital ministry any longer, I felt like a fish out of water. I was only able to get 24 hours a week so needless to say, something had to give. I had been applying at various other institutions, all non-ministry positions, and nothing was happening. I ventured out of the county and found there were two openings for Clinical Chaplain II positions in prison settings. Now, let me be the first to tell you that prison ministry had never been an option for me. Actually, I had never even given that role a thought in the processes of my mind when it came to seeking a ministry position. Oh, I looked for hospital chaplain jobs and corporate chaplain jobs, but prison? That was one place I had tried to avoid - and my parents were real proud I had done so.
However, I felt a strong calling to apply. I received a phone call from Harnett Correctional Institution a few days after the closing date for applications and followed through with the interview. When I left the interview, I was so disappointed. That was by far, the worst interview I had ever given. I was totally unprepared for some of the questions they asked and thanked God for the opportunity on the way home, but chalked it up to experience. Before I ever reached home, I received a call from NCCIW, which is the women's prison in Raleigh. They offered me a chance to interview for the same position and I gladly accepted thinking I would be ready this time.
I went to Raleigh, went through the interview, walked out on a cloud. I was good! :) I had studied up on the questions, which were very much like the ones previous, and I had great answers. Drove home with sites of Raleigh in my head. You see, Raleigh is a women's prison and Harnett is a men's prison. I was pretty sure they wouldn't hire a woman chaplain in a men's prison so I was glad the Raleigh interview went so well.
A couple of weeks went by and I heard nothing from anyone. I wasn't surprised about not hearing from Harnett but I thought I would hear from Raleigh by now. My references had called me and said both facilities had inquired about me so I was wondering what was going on. By this time, I had set my sites on Raleigh and then the phone rang!!!! It was Harnett. Harnett? "Did you say Harnett?" They were offering me a job. A real, honest-to-goodness chaplain job. So what do you think I did? I told them I'd have to call them back. Did I want to work in a men's prison?
Let me just tell you, when God goes to work, there is no stopping him. I accepted the job a few days later and have been the chaplain for Harnett Correctional since January 4th and I couldn't be more pleased. For the first time in my ministry I feel I am using the education and skills God has given me to the fullest extent of service. When we get out of the way and allow God to do the work, it is amazing. I watch him work daily in the lives of these men and feel so blessed that he has allowed me to play a role. Thanks, boss.
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