Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Summer, So Far.....

Wow. Can you believe the summer is half over? I usually gauge the half-way point at July 4th, so in accordance to my timetable, it's half over.

I was trying to think of something I had done that would be classified as constructive since the summer began and for the life of me, it's just not happening.

I was a bit ambitious at the beginning of the summer and got the kitchen painted, but in order to get the floor put down, I have to FINISH and that would require me getting the laundry room painted, too. Details, details.

I have been to camp with the youth, which was an experience and am getting ready for VBS which will be another experience. Then we're off to Busch Gardens in August. Sounds like a fun-filled summer, huh?

In the midst of all that I have visited the beach, ONCE!!!! I LIVE HERE FOR GOODNESS SAKES. You would think this would be a given, but, that would be a big NOT.

I'm still searching for the job that is intended for me. After 27 applications later, I still wait.

Maybe I'll go to the beach while I wait.

See ya!


April said...

I haven't got to sit on the beach even once!

Rebecca said...

what kinds of ministry positions are you applying for? I'm definitely looking since I resigned from my job. Read my blog- you'll find out why!