Today is Thursday which means a 12:30 class at Campbell Divinity School. I usually leave home around 10 which gives me about 15 minutes for error. Today was a little different for some reason. I left home around 9:45 and enjoyed a leisurely drive down Hwy 17 and then around Wilmington on Hwy 421. My mind was on a thousand things, none of which were too important. I was thinking about this being the last day of classes for the semester and how I would have to get busy studying for exams tonight when I got home from class.
Hwy 421 becomes 2 lane about 15 miles out of Wilmington but this time of day doesn't usually pose any problems. Most everyone is where they need to be by the time I come passing through so I don't usually have to think about my driving skills too much.
I was still ahead of my Thursday schedule and in no rush as I cruised down the road when I noticed the yards of the community I was passing through. They were all decorated for Christmas. This had happened since I went through on Tuesday. One yard had a blow-up Santa and Snowman while another had the Nativity scene outlined in various colored lights. I chuckled a little to myself when I noticed Mary was outlined in red and Joseph in green. The shepherds were outlined in some dark color and then I saw the camel. It was outlined in blue.
BLUE. Who ever heard of a blue camel? The other colors fit the traditional Christmas color scheme but a blue camel? Blue isn't a Christmas color.
Because the road isn't very busy, I set my cruise control at 61 and don't usually have to change it except in Clinton at the stop light and at Spivey's Corner at a stop light. For some reason I had come off my cruise control when I was "admiring" the colorful Nativity scene. Evidently a car had turned off the road in front of me and I had to put on brakes. I guess I never reset my cruise when all of a sudden I saw blue, again. So much for being a little ahead of schedule.
The dreaded words were drifting into my window, "Ma'am, is there a reason you were speeding?" Well, I couldn't come up with a good reason so I simply said, "probably not" even though I wanted to add, "but give me a minute and I'll think of something."
After 15 minutes of the agonizing wait and wonder, the patrolman got out of his car with the pink paper. Why couldn't it have been blue? After all, isn't blue a Christmas color?
My phone rang shortly after the incident and it was David. He asked me what I was doing. My answer ........ about 55.