Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Obituary

I had the strangest feeling this afternoon. I got home from school around 7:30 PM and decided to go ahead and get a head start on next week's assignments. I will be at the Baptist State Convention in Greensboro on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I know my study time is going to be limited those days.

Our assignment in Ministry of Writing for next Thursday is to write our own obituary. I thought this should be pretty easy since I check our hometown paper every single day and the obituaries are the second section I look at.

I was moving along pretty well until I got to my death date. Do you know how hard it was to "predict" your date of death? I put a date WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY in the future. It would feel pretty weird for the date to get here and then have to wonder all day if I was going to die.

I decided to "die" at the age of 98. My husband told me if I didn't take better care of myself I'd never make it to 98 so I figured it was a safe date.

However, after he smarted off, he preceded me in death.

1 comment:

sarahm said...

Have fun at the Convention - you'll be missed in ensemble and in Theology!
