Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Onward We Go

Sorry it's been so long, but it's been grueling for the last couple of weeks. I've heard from Patrick several times and he's doing fine. He's not real happy about where he is or what they are having to do, but he's alive and well and that's what I prayed for.

We've had a wedding in our family. Everything came off without a hitch, so this is good. The weather was beautiful as it was held on the beach so no rain for the day was a good thing. The bride was beautiful and beamed as she went from Miss to Mrs.

Journals have been turned in, exams have been taken, CPE is over which means no more on-calls, the PEICH paper is turned in as is the 2nd sermon and exegesis report. Now all that stands in the way of the last day of grad school is a Church History exam and a book review. I think I see the light.

My Senior Panel was today and what an affirming meeting that turned out to be. I had been told it would be just that, but there is always a wonder of what questions you will be asked and so on. It was wonderful. I didn't cry but I'm sure I will. Campbell is a very dear place to me and I will treasure my time there as an undergrad and a grad student.

All this to say, life is moving forward. I hope you are having a great day and enjoying the gifts God has given you. I'll be back with more on the upcoming graduation events in a few days.

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