Monday, October 1, 2007

Don't You Just Love Mondays?

Monday mornings are pretty laid back at my house. My step-daughter leaves home around 7:30 for school and David leaves for the church office in time to be there by 9. By this time, I have gotten up, made the bed, taken a shower and fixed my usual breakfast which consists of a sausage, egg and cheese something; could be a bagel, could be a sandwich or maybe even a biscuit if I feel like waiting long enough for the biscuit to bake. (Don't get crazy, I don't make my own biscuits, but you still have to bake the frozen ones you get in a bag at Food Lion).

Then I get my book bag and class syllabi to see which books are going to be necessary to have close by to finish up the reading assignments for Tuesday and if I'm productive, for Thursday, too.

Today was a bit more hectic. David and I are attending Pastor's School at Campbell this week which required a whole new routine. We wanted to get off early enough to be in Dunn by 1, don't ask me why, and then be able to take our time registering and all that is necessary for tonight's program.

If you are on staff at a church or know folks who are, you know how impossible it is to enter the doors of the church on a Monday morning and expect to get anything done you had planned to do in a timely manner.

So, here it is 4:00 and we have just checked in to our room. David is rushing around, changing his pants and asking me why I'm on this stupid computer when I need to be getting ready. Rush, rush, rush. Don't you just love Mondays?

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

well, I was gonna leave this comment under mr foxofbama's comment, but I was afraid he'd see it and start leaving comments on my blog. then again, he might see this too. anyhow, I'll leave the comment here that I was gonna leave on that post.
