My friend, Rebecca, rushed in to our Church History class on Monday afternoon with the news, "Let's hurry up and get this exam over with. I have a dog waiting on me to adopt him at the animal shelter."
Another friend, Jan, was perplexed by a request from her son about getting a new puppy. She blogged about it as well. Cute story and photos of the pup with his new owner.
But then I read Kristi's blog about her dog, Abby, that has been part of the family for many years and is now experiencing health concerns. If you are a pet owner, you know how attached we get to our four-legged friends, be it a dog, cat, horse or rat. (ugh)

We have three dogs. Earl, is a large Doberman that we adopted from the

Pickles, a Dachshund that belonged to the Stratton family before I did, and Maxie.
Maxie came from the Brunswick Animal Shelter, too, about 5 years ago. We're not real sure what Maxie's breed is comprised of, but we ARE certain it's several different ones. She was my companion when Patrick moved back home to finish high school at Richmond Senior and Daniel was in college at St. Andrews. I wanted a little lap dog to keep me company and one that would let me cry on her shoulder when I missed my boys.
Wouldn't it be great if we attached ourselves to the work of Christ like we do to our animals?
BaHa, no we sure don't know what Maxie's breed is. That made me laugh. : )
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