Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I was sitting on the couch this afternoon around 2:00 and I heard this strange noise. David had gone to make a hospital visit so it was very quiet. (If he's home, MSNBC is on TV) I thought the noise was the ceiling fan but it was coming from the bathroom in the hall. I really didn't want to get up since I had my laptop in my lap (of all places) and I had books and my notebook spread out around me.

The noise had seemingly stopped so I went back to reading. After just a few moments, there it was again. Just a bit disgusted, I moved my laptop off my lap, set my book off to the side, set my notebook on the floor and put the reclining loveseat back in its original position. I got up and walked toward the bathroom where the noise was a little more prominent. I checked the sink to see if there was a drip. No drip. I checked the bathtub to see if a pipe was dripping, but no drip. I thought...oh no...don't let there be a leak in the pipes under the sink. I simply didn't have time to tackle a project like that today. But the noise was coming from the vent overhead. Since we live in a one story home, it wasn't likely that we had pipes above our heads to burst or leak.

All of a sudden it dawned on me. IT WAS RAINING. It had been so long since I had heard that particular sound. I ran through the house to the living room window, then to the back door. It truly was raining. I even stuck my arm out the door to make sure it was water I was seeing dripping off the house. Don't ask me what else I thought it might have been if it wasn't water. I was so amazed. Even our three dogs were standing in the yard with this strange look on their faces. They, too, were shocked.

The rain had stopped for a little while when we were at church but when I took a choir member home after rehearsal, I actually ran my car through puddles on purpose. Ain't God good? (Now you see the true country girl emerge.)

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